Happy Holidays from Deets Mechanical. This holiday season, we’re giving one lucky
homeowner a FREE HVAC tune-up – a $165 value!
Why you need a tune-up:
Here’s why you should have your heater inspected by an HVAC expert every year:
- Keeps your furnace running smoothly and efficiently, which can save you money on your heating bill
- Lengthens the life of your heater
- Maintains your warranty (check your warranty for maintenance requirements)
- Reduces the risk of major furnace breakdowns
- Ensures that the components that control and maintain combustion in your gas furnace are functioning properly, reducing the risk of fire
What’s included in a tune-up:
You can expect your heater to be checked for any flaws and issues through the
following steps:
- Lubricate fan motor and checking fan blades for tightness
- Check start and run capacitors
- Test fan limit switch and tightening electrical connections
- Clean the blower wheel, filters and combustion chamber
- Clean and adjusting burners and heat exchanger
- Check flue, flame baffle and combustion air
- Measure amperage draw, gas input and temperature difference
- Test thermocouple and adjusting thermostat calibration
How to enter to win:
Enter to win at deetsmechanical.com/holiday before January 6. One winner will be
announced on January 13.