In this article…
- Furnace System Repairs: How Costly Can They Be?
- Furnace System Replacement: What’s The Cost?
- Will A New Furnace Save Money On Energy Bills?
- Is It Time To Replace Your System? What To Consider
Is your furnace constantly giving you problems once the first signs of winter blow through? Are you constantly spending money on repairs yearly, praying your HVAC system keeps you warm through the next snowstorm?
While repairing your system over and over again to make it last longer may seem like the smartest, money-conscious option, how much money are you truly wasting year over year?
The truth is if you’re making frequent repairs to your furnace, it’s most likely time for a full system replacement.
Now, we understand that the thought of purchasing an entirely new system isn’t always the most appealing (especially cost-wise). But, before the northern storms become known, it’s time to decide if you’re ready to invest in replacing your system.
As the trusted heating and cooling experts in northern Pennsylvania, DEETS has been the go-to source for prepping your home for winter since 2001, from full furnace system replacements to minor repairs to educating you on the best products for your home.
We are here to provide you with all the information you need to make the right decisions for your home because we know the importance of comfort and stability when it comes to your furnace.
The last thing anyone wants is to make the wrong decision, and when it comes to repairing and replacing your furnace, you want to make the best choice, not only for the safety and well-being of your home but financially as well.
So, is repairing your system more fiscally responsible, or will a full system replacement be a more worthy investment?
This article will dive into the cost of common furnace repairs, how much a full system replacement costs, how much a new system could save on energy bills, and more.
After reading, you’ll have a full understanding of the costs associated with both repairing and replacing your furnace and know if it’s time for an upgrade.
Furnace System Repairs: How Costly Are They?
Whether you make regular repairs on your old furnace or like to plan ahead in case of an emergency, understanding the average cost of common furnace repairs is the first step.
The average homeowner spends around $500 – $750 each year on repairs for an old furnace. Now, think about how much one spends on repairs for a 15+ year-old system.
However, the cost of repairing your system depends on the severity of the damage, what needs to be replaced, and the quality of the replacement product and installation.
Let’s look at some common parts of a furnace that require repairing or replacing and how much they cost.
1. Capacitor
The capacitor is what provides energy for the blower motor to circulate the air through your home. Capacitors typically need replacing if they have become damaged from excess humidity around the system.
The cost to replace a furnace capacitor averages around $100 – $300, but Deets recommends investing in the more premium model to prolong the system’s life and improve efficiency.
2. Blower Motor
The blower motor is what circulates the conditioned air throughout your ducts and into your home. They need repairs or a replacement if they become too dirty from excess dust and debris, causing them to require more power to run, overheating, and burning out.
Replacing a blower motor is one of the more costly repairs, averaging around $400 – $600.
3. Control Boards
The control board is like the brain of your furnace, telling all the parts like the blower motor, igniter, and gas valve when to turn on and off, making sure everything runs smoothly and safely. If the control board goes out, the furnace will not function properly and may not turn on at all.
To replace the control board of a furnace, the starting cost is around $1,200. This is one of the higher replacement and repair costs because of the role a control board plays in your system.
4. Hot Surface Ignitors
A hot surface ignitor (HSI) in a furnace heats up and then lights the gas to start the heating process, kind of like an electric match that kicks off the flames. If the HSI goes out, your furnace will not be able to produce heat and keep you warm.
Repairing or replacing an HSI in your furnace costs around $120 and upwards.
5. Flame Sensors
Flame sensors in a furnace detect whether the burner has successfully ignited the gas. If the flame sensor goes out or gets dirty, it won’t detect the flame, and the furnace will shut off the gas for safety, meaning your furnace will keep trying to start but won’t stay lit.
Replacing a flame sensor is relatively inexpensive, costing around $60.
6. Electrodes (For Oil Furnaces)
Electrodes in an oil furnace are like a spark plug for your furnace, creating a high-voltage spark to ignite the oil and air mixture, starting the combustion process that produces heat. Similar to an HSI, if the electrodes are damaged or not functioning properly, you could be left without heat in your home.
Replacing electrodes in an oil furnace can cost anywhere from $150 – $300.
7. Ductwork
Your ductwork is what transfers air to and from your home and your system. You usually start to see problems with your ductwork if they have become old and deteriorated, creating leaks throughout the ducts.
If there are leaks in your ductwork, you are losing efficiency and money running your system.
Costs to repair your ductwork depend on the size and severity of the damage and can range from $1,000 – $3,000. Replacing your entire ductwork is a minimum of $6,000 but depends on the size of your home.
8. Thermostat
The thermostat is what communicates with your system for the ideal temperature and humidity level you set it at. If your thermostat is broken or not connecting properly to your furnace, you could be wasting energy if your system continues to run or experience discomfort in your home.
Because there are so many different options for thermostats on the market, a new thermostat can cost anywhere from $100 to $300.
9. Control Switches
Control switches in a furnace manage the operation of different components, like turning the blower motor on and off or regulating the burner, to ensure everything runs at the right time and keeps the furnace working safely.
Replacing a control switch usually costs between $50 to $200, depending on the type of switch.
10. Inducers
The inducer in a furnace helps safely vent out gases from the combustion process and ensures proper airflow before the burners ignite. If the inducer isn’t working properly, your furnace might not start, shut down shortly after starting, or trigger a safety switch to prevent operation, since it can’t vent gases correctly.
Replacing or repairing an inducer typically costs between $300 to $700.
The cost of repairing or replacing any of these parts varies depending on the damage you’re experiencing as well as the quality of the product and labor.
Now, think about how many times you’ve had your flame sensors replaced or needed your control board repaired and how much it cost, especially if you have an older system.
These repairs add up over time. When you look back on the past few years, how much money have you invested in keeping your old system running? This is crucial to consider when thinking about replacing your system before winter as it may be worth it to invest your money in a new system instead.
When do I need to repair my system?
After looking at the average costs of repairing and replacing parts of your furnace system, the next question you have is when you should repair your system as opposed to replacing it.
There are several scenarios when you should repair your system instead of replacing it, including if…
- Your system is less than 10 years old
- The issue is minor
- Your system is running efficiently
- You haven’t had many repairs in the past
Overall, repairing your furnace is really only worth it if you have a newer system. If you are constantly repairing your old system and always have problems when the temperatures drop, considering a full system replacement that will run efficiently and last may be the better option for you.
Furnace System Replacement: What’s The Cost?
It’s no secret that any home upgrade is a large investment, and replacing your furnace system is no exception.
The starting cost to replace your furnace system is around $6,000 – $8,000 but can cost upwards of $25,000. This cost largely depends on the size of the furnace and tonnage, the quality of the furnace and installation, and the warranty that comes with it.
Now, we understand that the price that comes with a new furnace can create some sticker shock, and it can deter you from making the investment.
It’s important to note that many, if not most, high-quality HVAC companies offer financing options for large HVAC repairs and full replacements with approved credit. This makes replacing your furnace much more affordable and helps aid your decision.
Learn about DEETS’ financing options for your next project!
Is it time to replace my system?
Each part of an HVAC system has a purpose, no matter how big or small. But, when certain parts need replacing, it’s indicative that the entire system needs replacing rather than putting a bandaid on a broken arm.
The last thing you want is to spend the money on a new system if you don’t truly need one.
There are several signs it’s time for a full system replacement, many of which boil down to too many repairs or repeatedly replacing the same part. It’s time to consider replacing your system if…
- Your system is over 20 years old
- You’ve been making constant repairs over the years
- You’ve noticed significantly higher energy bills
- Your system was installed improperly, causing constant issues
The efficiency of older systems significantly decreases the longer its life is extended, even with constant repairs.
Another problem with older furnaces is that parts are continuously manufactured differently. This means if you need a part replaced and it is a different model, it may work, but it can put excess stress on your system and cause it to short circuit.
Additional scenarios that would warrant a furnace replacement include basement flooding, severe electrical fires, or if the warranty expired on your system.
Overall, if you have an older system and plan to live in your home for the next several years, replacing your furnace before the harsh winter will ensure your comfort all year long and save money on energy bills.
Will A New Furnace Save Money On Energy Bills?
After learning more about the cost of common furnace repairs, the cost of a full furnace replacement, and when you may need one over the other, you still want to know if replacing your old furnace is worth it rather than just continuing to repair it year over year.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, investing in a top-of-the-line furnace can save you an average of $1,329 in energy costs for the lifetime of your system. Choosing an ENERGY STAR-certified furnace will also save an average of $1,094.
ENERGY STAR-rated furnaces meet a certain set of energy-efficient standards set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Furnaces with an ENERGY STAR logo perform 15% more efficiently than the baseline model, saving an average of $80 per year, according to ENERGY STAR.
While these cost savings may seem minuscule, investing in a new furnace provides you with many more benefits than just monetary ones.
Upgrading your old furnace before winter provides you with
- Improved overall comfort
- Better indoor air quality (IAQ)
- Peace of mind during winter storms
- Newer technology
If you’ve been thinking about replacing your furnace and wonder if now is the time to take the leap, consider what you’d like to improve when it comes to the comfort of your home.
Is the furnace noisy and distracting when it’s running? Does it seem to take longer to heat your home? Have your energy bills steadily increased over the years?
Assessing your overall wants, goals, and needs for your home’s comfort and asking the right questions will help lead you in the right direction on whether it’s time for a full replacement.
Is It Time To Replace Your Furnace? What To Consider
Now that you have a complete understanding of the costs associated with HVAC furnace repairs and replacements as well as the savings of a new furnace, you can compare it to how much you’ve spent on repairing your old furnace throughout the years and better decide if replacing it is the right choice for you.
Overall, if you’ve been constantly spending on repairing your furnace year after year and always seem to have problems when winter comes, it’s most likely time for a full system replacement.
If your current system is…
- Over 20 years old
- In an older home
- Susceptible to basement flooding
- At risk of electrical fires
- Costing you hundreds of dollars in repairs every year
It’s probably time to invest in a new furnace before winter.
Think about just how much you’ve spent repairing your furnace in the last five years. While you may be hesitant to take the leap and purchase a new system, you will actually be saving money on energy costs in the long run.
Remember that financing options are available with most HVAC companies to help fit your budget and make installing a new furnace as comfortable as possible.
However, we at DEETS understand that any home upgrade is a large decision. You want to be sure you have all the information you need to make a well-educated choice for your home and family.
To help guide you to the right decision on whether it’s time to replace your furnace, check out this article that outlines five crucial times it’s time to replace your system and what to consider before replacing your system.
Then, you’ll know what questions to ask yourself before even contacting an HVAC company and feel confident in your choice knowing you made the right call to protect your home for years to come.